Last night as I was working late at the shop, preparing for Valentine's Day, my cutest, favorite little five year old neighbor stopped by, with his adorable six year old friend. They took a little spin around the shop, and checked out the scene. Some snippets of the conversation...
"Oooh, this is so beautiful", "I love this water, this is wonderful water" (of the fountain in the front of the shop), "it smells
sooo good in here!" (from inside the cooler), and "does he
really say 'give me kisses'?" (of my cockatiel, Rex, and yes, he does!)
I love my little shop, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work with beautiful flowers every day. I consider myself extremely fortunate to be able to make a career of doing something I love. But, in the midst of a busy, crazy holiday, there is nothing like a child's perspective to make you appreciate everything even more.
Hey, it does smell good in here! And, yeah, that bubbling fountain is awesome (and if you stick your finger in it, the water will shoot clear across the room, as all small children seem to know!) And my Rex Begonia, well he is just the coolest, smartest bird you will ever meet.
So, thanks to the boys for reminding me of all of this. They made my Valentine's Day. Oh, and they sure do appreciate a good supply of chocolate... as one said to the other on the way out, "let me show you where she keeps the Hershey's kisses"...
A few shots of one of my favorite Valentine's Day flower arrangements
Dusty pink lilies, light pink hyacinth, green hydrangea, "cool water" roses, dark purple anemone, astrantia, frilly tulips, and queen anne's lace |
Look at these dark purple/burgundy anemones! Oh, that color! I may love them more than chocolate... maybe... and I did not eat all of those kisses (okay, maybe just a few!)
Hope you had a happy day!